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Omaha: (402) 345-8311
Sioux City: (402) 404-2525
Oxford IA: (319) 826-3847
With three U.S. Department of Energy AIRMaster+ certified auditors on staff, Peerless Energy Systems offers both simple, "walk-through" evaluations and complete compressor air audits. Audits provide your company complete system troubleshooting, objective analysis and documentation, reduced compressed air demand, and identification of opportunities for improvement.
Stop wasting time and money on air leaks and contact Peerless Energy Systems.
Leaks can be a significant source of wasted energy in an industrial compressed air system, sometimes wasting 20-30% of a compressor's output. A typical plant that has not been well maintained will likely have a leak rate equal to 20% of total compressed air production capacity. On the other hand, proactive leak detection and repair can reduce leaks to less than 10% of compressor output.
With three U.S. Department of Energy AIRMaster+ certified auditors on staff, Peerless Energy Systems offers both simple, "walk-through" evaluations and complete compressor air audits. Audits provide your company complete system troubleshooting, objective analysis and documentation, reduced compressed air demand, and identification of opportunities for improvement. Compressed air is widely recognized as industries fourth utility. It is the only utility that you, the end-user, has the responsibility to produce and maintain in-house. Developing an understanding of the dynamics of a compressed air system is very advantageous to the end user. A compressed air system audit will help you to understand the system and to improve your compressed air systems reliability and efficiency thereby improving production and adding profit to your bottom line.
Consider some of the benefits:
Average energy savings are 20% to 30%, and sometimes higher.
Plant production efficiency can improve by stabilizing pressure to within + or - 1 PSI.
Reduce energy and repair costs
Improve system reliability
Increase productivity
Reduce unscheduled downtime
Contact sales@peerlessenergy.com for details on Sullair Compressor rentals and sales.